Day 265 - 3 weeks of

I just passed Day 21 of my #100daysofmarketing challenge. It’s becoming a deep immersion, and I can’t stop thinking marketing, marketing, marketing.

I love that I’m obsessed now.

• Pivoting myself - I’m realising that this #100daysofmarketing challenge isn’t really about the metrics at the end of the day. It’s about pivoting myself. Even if I don’t do all that well metrics-wise at the end of all this fuss, I would be happy if I pivoted my identity.

• Progress on Twitter - Switching to using my personal account for marketing is showing better metrics. Engagement rate is up from 2.4% last month to 3.3% this month, and September isn’t even over yet. Every day I get 1 or 2 new followers.

• What about Lifelog’s Twitter account? What kind of tweets and content should I be tweeting there? Broadcasting or engaging - which stance should I take? What category should I own? What tone of voice should I take?

• Other channels - it remains to be seen how these platforms will help with customer acquisition. After all, people who read my articles on these platforms are already writing on those platforms. Why would they want to pay money to write on yet another one?

Overall, an A for effort!