Day 552 - Stagflation of creativity -

Stagflation is when slow economic growth and joblessness intersects with rising inflation. Basically: Your future money shrinks, your current money also shrinks.

Worst of both worlds.

That’s what’s happening in the external world.

I feel I’m going through a stagflation too as a creator.

Creative stagflation.

Slow product growth, personal growth stagnation intersecting with motivation inflation.

Product growth had definitely slowed. Lifelog sign-ups had stopped. Sheet2Bio too, and so had my other products. Only my Carrd plugins continue to move onwards on its own.

They say, your product grows as fast as a founder grows as a person, as an entrepreneur. I think it’s true. I feel so. That means I’m stagnating in inner growth.

If motivation is the currency of inner growth and thus outer growth, then I’m definitely hit by inflation. Somewhat same motivation but I do less, achieve less with it.

What can I do?

How does one get out of a creative stagflation?

- Building 100% useless but 100% fun projects. To kickstart a ailing engine with new fuel by lowering the bar of builds to the lowest.
- Building my way out of my burnout is one. More projects but slightly more serious ones to keep the creative fire burning.
- Meanwhile learn to play more defense. Survive at all costs. Don’t incite more frustration by seeking to thrive when creative stagflation happens. Do the bare minimum to keep maintain your current lifestyle or creator flywheel. Look out for the opening where I can break through the stalemate.

What else can I do?