Day 509 - Seeing my portfolio of projects through a different lens -

It never felt like my side projects earned all that much.

Slightly over $100 per month for Lifelog, and a $15 purchase for a Carrd plugin every week or so.

Just tiny drips here and there. πŸ˜”

$15 feels so tiny in comparison to my $5k monthly revenue goal, I often don't even celebrate it or consider it a win.

But after doing my 2021 tax accounting, I realised my side project revenue totalled ~$11,000!

@knight asked for a breakdown of the $11K, so here goes (these are rough estimates):

- Lifelog = $1200
- Plugins For Carrd = $900
- Sweet Jam Sites = $500
- Keto List Singapore = $1100
- Social impact patronage = $1300
- Others* = $6000

* e.g. random one-off freelancing jobs like coaching, writing a tech article, integrating a Carrd site
** Caveat: These are revenue from side projects. My main income still comes from consulting.

I felt better after seeing it was $11k.

My tiny epiphany: Because of how my revenue is diversified due to my portfolio of products, I realised I needed a different lens in which to look at my revenue.

What looked like insignificant drips here and there... can actually add up to something substantial!

It's just like how small daily consistent actions doesn't look like much (100 words a day?), but it can compound (36,500 words a year - enough for a short novel!) – but of course! I know this. Strange how I never applied that same idea to my portfolio revenue. πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

Always ZOOM OUT.

congrats Jason!!

Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

*made more than Lifelog

Jason Leow Author

Thanks Ryu!!

Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

Impressive Jason! i would've thought Plugins made more money, it's really interesting to look back with a bird's eye view

Jason Leow Author

Thanks Carl ! 2021 was Plugin's first year in existence, and I only started having paid plugins in March, and purchases in Apr. So yeah it took a while to ramp up..


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