Day 431 - I should vs I must -

I have a long list of “shoulds”. Things I tell myself “I should do”. My list of “musts” on the other hand, is few. Things that I want to do, that “I must do”, should really be the longer list but it isn’t.

Here’s my list of shoulds vs musts:

I should:
earn more
exercise more
eat better
sleep more and better
launch more products
work harder
work smarter
work less

I must:
write this post
create a new product
sleep more and better
get fit af
manage my money better

Of the two lists, only a handful of shoulds and musts overlap. Flipping the ratio between should and must had always been my deep why of going down the whole creator, indie hacker route. Or at least having a more balanced ratio. Yet, it’s the hardest thing.

At least this post was something that I “must” write and it’s done. First baby step in a long journey of changing the proportion between the two lists.