🎉 Added profile images to Top Streaks, Most Streaks, Featured Goals, Just Joined sidebars on home page

• Similar to what I did for `posts` and `accounts`, moved API fetch requests for streaks, goals to fetch() instead - major optimisation fix! No more duplicate data requests to the same API for the respective methods for each leaderboard
• Used the now standard approach of forEach() and push() for the Top Streaks, Most Streaks, Featured Goals, Just Joined leaderboards
• learned that the Strapi object `ctx.state.user.id` is not available in fetch() (and likely aynscData() too)
• Retired the old custom API endpoint, and replaced it with `accounts` endpoint instead
• Added the v-once directive to randomQ() for the writing prompt, so that it just loads twice instead of 4 times(why was it doing that in the first place?!). Ideally should just load once, but due to using v-if-"isAuthenticated" and v-if-"!isAuthenticated", it renders the !isAuth first before rendering the correct isAuth writing prompt.

Only things left now is to create an `account` when registering on the registration page, and updating the TimezoneSelect component to use the new API endpoint...!