Day 553 - One more day -

Instead of setting grand visions and ambitious goals, do just one more day.


“So are you planning on staying sober for the rest of your life?”
“I don’t know, but I’m going to stay sober for one more day…”

“How much are you willing to commit to this business? A decade?”
“I don’t know… but I’m going to stick to it for one more day…”

It’s an interesting motivation hack, for sure. Especially useful for infinite games. Because with infinite games there’s no end point, no destination (except death perhaps). Your goal—even if you have one—is never done done. Like sleep, health, mental fitness. Like being an entrepreneur, a creator, a maker.

It’s a lifestyle, not an exit.

When there’s no end, it’s hard to feel motivated to keep pushing, isn’t it? Or when you have a vision for how success should look like, it can feel overwhelming or frustrating that you’re currently so far off from it.

All these are about becoming disembodied from the present and getting lost in a future that had yet to arrive… if ever.

The solution? By just focusing on the next step to take. By being present. Being embodied, in the present.

By saying, “Just one more day.”

Honestly… I don’t know if I can stick to this creator-entrepreneur journey long enough to hit my goal of $5k per month, or if I can ever achieve my dream of making a good living from indie hacking for me and my family. It sucks that there’s no results after so many years.

I don’t know, but I’ll do it for just one more day, tomorrow…