Day 293 - Day 50

Marketing channels smack-down:
Twitter was best so far, Quora has potential.

Lessons learned:
1/ Twitter - that 1 repeatable distribution channel?
Most promising award for one repeatable distribution channel goes to Twitter. But it had yet to convert. It’s also a hamster wheel of transient content, so amongst the different channels, keeping up is hardest.

2/ 80% consistency, 20% chance
Consistent content should still be continued, but it shouldn’t be the only trick. I need to be better at leveraging chance, spotting random opportunities

3/ One true SaaS?
There’s a gnawing discomfort that perhaps Lifelog isn’t the one true SaaS that would bring me to the $5k MRR goal.

What’s next?
⛔️ Stop doing:
• Daily blogging on LifeBlog
• Finish up on Facebook, Medium, dev blogs

💪 Keep doing:
• Twitter but reset approach
• Look for Medium publications to post in
• Keep up with Quora answers, especially in Spaces

⚙️ Switch gears to:
Landing page copy and SEO
• Update my website copy to better sell the transformational benefits
• Add a free trial with credit card details
• Fix SEO for blog, roadmap etc

Social media, marketing channels
• Twitter reset again - tweet more about building in public, writing for professional growth.
• Reddit, like /r/IndieWebDev, /r/SideProject, /r/IMadeThis, /r/BetaTesting. Use monthly self promotion threads in /r/WebDev and /r/startups.
• LinkedIn for distributing to professionals on why writing benefits their career.
• Indie Hackers, Telegram / Slack groups for ad-hoc sharing
• Cold sales - talking to writers on Twitter, but not selling anything to them

• Engineering-as-marketing - some ideas I have:
– An atomic essay image generator for Lifeloggers and community? Premium features if you sign up.
– Word count single feature web app for lead generation?
– Writing prompts generator web app/Telegram bot/Chrome extension?
Jason Leow Author

I'm glad anyone's reading it to start haha! ;) Thanks for reading, commenting and sharing the pain

Carl Poppa 🛸

thanks for sharing your learnings and reflections, as always


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