Day 579 - Build your best self in public -

I’ve been building in public all along ever since I started my indie hacking journey in 2018.

What building in public means for me:

• sharing wins - new customers, revenue milestones, streaks
• revealing failures and losses - being honest about what didn’t work
• lessons and insights - best part of build in public is to learn from the mistakes of others
• building an audience - people who are interested in my story, and support me

But I think what I’ve been doing all along is really building my best self in public:

"Tweet your doubts, internal pep talks, positive affirmations, worries, and celebrations.
If they matter to you, they’ll matter to someone else, too.
Don’t just build in public. Build your best self in public. We’ll cheer you on! 👏"
– @benbarbersmith

Because the way I build in public, it’s less about celebrating wins and revenue updates but more about sharing mistakes, struggles, failures, and lessons. It’s about practising being vulnerable out in the open in public. It’s about sharing my personal growth journey as an indie hacker, founder, solopreneur. And through sharing that growth, I hope to connect with others and learn from them about their own struggles and lessons.

We collectively learn and grow together. And support one another to grow even more.

Building the product in public is just the means to an end.

The real endgame is building my best self in public.

Build your best self in public > Build in public