Day 464 - Sheet2bio -

I just launched a beta for Sheet2bio, a link-in-bio page for creators. It’s an alternative to popular link-in-bio pages like Linktree and, and what stands out is how you can use Google Sheets as like a CMS or admin dashboard to build and manage the link-in-bio page.

What’s Sheet2Bio
You can show all your links at a glance: products, content/writings, and social media profiles. One link to funnel your audience to the right offering they are looking for. Demo:


Why I made it
It started off as an itch I needed to scratch - I needed a link-in-bio page but didn’t feel like signing up for yet another social platform. I used Google Sheets-based nocode tools like Sheet2site in the past and always enjoyed how easy it was to get up to speed on the interface because it’s all done on Google Sheets. Since then I’ve always tried to use Google Sheets as a small database/CMS in my products whenever I can. For example, the announcements banner in Lifelog here is updated via a Google Sheet. That meant I didn’t need to deploy my site to production for minor, frequently updated changes to website copy. The convenience and ease of use is the key. I think creators often have new offerings or calls-to-action, and being able to simply update it right away using the Google Sheets mobile app is awesome!

How - the tech stack
This is where it gets technical - skip ahead if you’re not technically inclined! Frontend built using Vue.js, with a Github repo and hosted on Netlify. CI/CD built right into Netlify means I make an edit on my Github repo and the code is automatically pushed to Netlify right away. Backend is Google Sheets of course - I tap on the API and use the data to populate each link-in-bio page upon page load. Everything follows from a JAMstack philosophy, to decouple the frontend from the backend. Right now I’m still manually creating each page. If and when this takes off, will have to start thinking about more automation.

Future feature ideas
Some future feature ideas - analytics, link tracking, custom domain, email newsletter form, integration with Notion/Airtable.

When is it available?
Beta is open now, and it’s free (for now).
