Day 910 - Side project weekends recap -

I started Side Project Weekends in March, so that's about 3 months ago. In that time, I built these new things for Lifelog:

- hover md preview
- esc key shortcut to md preview
- rich text editor
- preview button
- typing sounds
- saving status
- screenshot
- scheduled backups
- heroku stack update

3 months, 9 features. Average 3 ships per month.

Which kinda makes sense, because I would ship a bunch of features, somethings break or create more bugs, and then I would spend week #4 fixing them.

I hit a snag in beginning of June when I tried to [over-analyze what I should build next](, but since switching back to ["ship more, think less" mode](, I feel the momentum back again.

Not all the features were mission-critical features. Some were for fun, like the typing sounds. Some were helpful, like the rich text editor. Others were invisible, like the backend infrastructure updates and backups. I'm painfully aware that there's many high-value features that Lifelog folks had requested and waiting for, but I had to make the tough decision to trade off and balance user needs and developer needs. The idea is: Better to keep building what keeps the momentum going than building what might stall the building. ***Some progress is better than no progress.*** The hope is that eventually I'll get to the high value features (like a WYSIWYG editor).

Overall, I'm satisfied with the progress. More can be done, better features can be built, but maintaining the momentum is key at this stage.