Day 729 - Closing my open questions of 2022 -

In Jan I wrote out [open questions and uncertainties I had going into 2022]( These were questions I had no answers to back then, but were sufficiently important that I knew they were weighing on my mind.

All my fears, concerns, aspirations and wishes in the form of open questions for the year, and my best answers to them now, one year on:

β€’ Will I live up to the year with *alacrity*?
[I did]( At least it showed that I can start.

β€’ How long will I take to hit $200 MRR?
A year wasn't enough. But this is no longer an important question, because it's more about getting revenue from anything anywhere, to keep this indie lifestyle.

β€’ Will I ever hit $5k revenue in my life?
I've achieved it before during pre-pandemic times, I'll achieve it again... eventually. World reopening. Biz is picking back up again. Some back of envelope calculation shows I'm around 70% of that target this year. So I'm hopeful.

β€’ Will I ever make enough money off my products to support my lifestyle and family?
Still an open question, even though there's a glimmer of optimism. One project had doubled in revenue, but it's still long ways off my family breakeven point. I can't bank on that. I need more income streams.

β€’ What other products can I make?
I made Sheet2bio and many Carrd plugins (about 20!) this year. Sheet2Bio was a big and public failure, but I own my losses. I learned a lot from it. I love my maker trajectory for plugins. It's done for the right reasons, at the right pace.

β€’ What other products do I want to make?
Great question that's still open. I'm 100% certain I still want to make other and more products. But I don't know what. Building an AI-based product had been super tempting throughout the year, but I'm thankful I didn't jump on the bandwagon. They were fads ultimately.

β€’ What's my next big thing?
No longer an important question. The epiphany this year is: No more one big thing. No more main projects. All projects will be side projects and small bets, even if they get big.

β€’ What's my next product for tech for good?
Still open. This had been on my mind all year. Since (which I started in 2021) winded down in April this year, I've been searching for my next tech for good project to do. I like to have at least 1 project a year. But nothing much to show for this year. I'm even considering cancelling all the monthly/annual subscriptions from my patrons on Buy Me A Coffee! Too ashamed to keep getting donations if i'm not doing much in that space.

β€’ Do I still have what it takes to create something profitable and popular?
Yes. I had many big moments of doubt this year. Even more low moments than I can recall. But at least my plugins project was the signal amidst the noise, that I might still have what it takes.

β€’ When will I embody a wealth mindset?
Maybe not so important anymore. It's still a weak area of mine. But I decided I will get there when and if I do get there. Till then, I'm not going to sweat over it. I'm going to just focus on leveraging on my strengths and assets, then tunnel-vision over my deficits.

β€’ Do I have what it takes to get rich?
I do want to get to a financially comfortable position for me and my family. But that doesn't have to be rich rich. And besides, I think time is the true wealth, and being focused on using time to be present to my growing toddler son, is already richness.

β€’ Will I be able to grow my savings back to what it was?
I burned through all my savings this year. It was terrifying and stressful. Thankfully some gigs saved me. I'm unsure if growing my savings back the the pre-pandemic days is even possible in 2023, even though there's some possible big projects on the horizon. If anything, my stance is survive before thrive. Survival first. Savings can come later.