Day 555 - 1300 Makerlog streak -

I just hit 1300 day streak on Makerlog!

It’s been 3.5 years, one of the longest streaks I’ve ever maintained.

Some thoughts and recollections:

The year was 2018. It’s a rainy December in Ubud, Bali. I was digital nomading and working on my products, and decided to finally try Makerlog, right about the same time I started a daily writing habit. 7 Dec was my first writing post, so I presume it’s also my first log on Makerlog. I thought, ok since I’m going serious into indie hacking, this community might be fun to join. I’ve been logging every task I do and every small win for all my products since.

• I use these logs to do my monthly reviews, track progress for each product. It’s great! I often do more than I think I did every month, and the logs are a great reminder for that.
• The product pages are also a great way to look back at the progress for each product.
• Surprising developer benefit - the logs also serve as developer/versioning notes. I get really granular and share my thought process behind each feature I created (especially the important features that were hard to develop, like say the streak algorithm for Lifelog). That way if I forgot how the function works, I can still look back and refresh my mind.
• Overall, the Makerlog community had also been great for learning, connecting and support as an indie hacker. The hype and high energy in the chat group and community had somewhat died down after 3 years, but everyone’s still plugging at it, making products and commenting on one another’s launches.
• It’s a funny thing to say, but around and after the 2 year mark it became more about the benefits from logging than the streak. Yeah I’ll probably get sad for a few minutes if I lose the streak, but the benefits I get from capturing my progress is still there. And I’ll still keep doing it.

Will I hit 2000? 10000? I don’t know.

What I do know: My approach is “one more day”. I know I’ll try one more day tomorrow…

Just one more day.
Jason Leow Author

Thanks Kirill! I hope so!


Congrats on hitting it Jason! :) I am sure it will serve as a good reminder one day that consistency is rewarded!


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