Day 99 - Money is not about money

"5k working for yourself or 10k working for a company?"

My answer would be, obviously: 5k working for myself.

Because of the potential for unlimited upside, limited downside. There’s no salary ceiling when you work for yourself. The sky’s the limit, if done well. That 5k you start with could overtake the 10k from the company real fast if you’re good at the entrepreneurship thing. The worse thing that could happen is seldom total ruin. If you fail, you can always find a job again.

Ultimately, I guess people do this self-employment and entrepreneurship thing for reasons that’s not really just about money. It’s the autonomy and freedom they relish. Just as I do.

Oftentimes, that alone is a worthwhile tradeoff for the apparent unstable income and the other downsides.

Money is not about the money.
Jason Leow Author

Oooosh gogogo 💪😊

Fajar Siddiq

$5k mrr let's go!


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