😩😡Prettier / Eslint - help or hinder? Fixed Prettier errors where it breaks up my inline styles into multiline to prettify it but somehow deactivates the styles upon refreshing the page. How very odd! And frustrating!

I initially loved it for helping me write consistent, well-laid out code based on good conventions/best practices. But past few days had been just spending too much time fixing what I think are minor/lame prettier errors that doesn't add much value to the app. The worse was today when I had to fix inline styles disappearing when I refresh the page! It hindered instead of helping, and created more bugs! I didn't even know what went wrong initially and went on a wild goose chase. 🤬WTF. Had to learn this vital piece of commenting - `prettier-ignore` and `eslint-disable`. Must. Remember. This.👇🏻

No idea on your setup but prettier can fix most of the issues on its own by running prettier --write. You can take this one step further by using git hooks and having it run automatically when you commit changes 👍️

Jason Leow Author

@nblackburn yeah it was fine mostly, but this issue I had was quite concerning. Introduced a bug instead… not sure why


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