Day 764 - I tripled my revenue for Plugins -

Just realised I TRIPLED my revenue for my [Plugins For Carrd]( project! OK it sounds like a lot, but just to put it in perspective, it's ~$1k to ~$3k. And it's one-time revenue not recurring. And that's for the whole year, not monthly. Monthly revenue averages out to $91 in 2021 compared to $281 in 2022.

I started it in Dec 20202. By end of my first year 2021, I earned $1099. By end of last year 2022β€”which is my 2nd yearβ€”I earned $3372. Here's the monthly figures:

**2021 (1st year)**
Dec $135
Nov $334
Oct $60
Sep $105
Aug $150
Jul $120
Jun $30
May $30
Apr $105
Mar $30
Feb $0
Jan $0
TOTAL = $1099
Monthly average = $91.60


**2022 (2nd year)**
Dec $515
Nov $607
Oct $250
Sep $200
Aug $230
Jul $265
Jun $285
May $345
Apr $125
Mar $250
Feb $90
Jan $210
TOTAL = $3372
Monthly average = $281

But the 3k and monthly figures don't include my earnings from the Seller and Referral programs. It was too small in the beginning so I didn't think much about it. Only recently did I start noticing that it's getting substantial and started tracking the amount in my monthly wrap-ups. I recently withdrew about ~$2k from it (accumulated over 2 years)! So maybe we're talking about qradrupled revenue? But minimally, a triple. (I know, my accounting sucks)

So all in all, it's a nice and slow growth for sure. No hockey stick trajectory, just quietly trudging along... hopefully like the proverbial turtle who beats the hare.
