Day 767 - Tips for low days -

Sometimes too much of a good thing is bad. Water is vital for a plant, but a flood kills it. Food gives us sustainance but too much we get obese. Thrift is a virtue but too much is hoarding. Twitter is great for me 99% of the time, but on bad days 1% of the time, it's sucks.

What's inspiring yesterday can be demotivating today.

All the MRR wins, ARR updates, million dollar acquisition wins, subscriber milestones. All good, until it isn't.

I guess such tweets just mirror back to me something about my own rate of progress which I've never completely come to accept...

So what do you do to keep your spirits up when everyone else seems to be "crushing it" on your timeline?

A few helpful tips, from the [community](

- Focus on enjoying the work.
- Acknowledge that that's not the full story.
- Get tf off Twitter, and go do the boring work.
- Be grateful for the small and beautiful things.
- Start coding. Apply code where it hurts. Aaaah.
- Go take a walk, zoom out and get some distance in.
- Truth is everyone's revenue is down in the recession.
- Don't over-think. Ignorance is bliss. Just keep building.
- Read them with equanimity but don't confuse myself for them.
- Stop comparing and cheer people on, be happy for their success.
- Ask if there's a personal/profit interest in them selling their success.
- Engage with smaller accounts who are working hard alongside you.
- Reflect on the fact that I probably made someone feel that way before.
- See the highs and lows as a never-ending cycle, a natural ebb and flow.
- See that I'm not running in their race, and we're not even in the same sport!
- Ask if I would want their success if I also had their struggles, problems, and values.
- Prioritise on the work that truly moves the needle, not sh\*t like impressions, likes, follower growth.
- Get angry—the right kind of angry—that I'm wasting time and energy in self pity. Constructive rage.
- Be self-centred. Focus on yourself and my goals. Nobody really cares anything other than themselves. Only time when it's better to be self-obsessed.
- To end off: Ultimately, remember that I'm just visiting. Memento mori. A decade later, I wouldn't even recall the emotions I struugled with today. This line I chanced upon on my feeds hit hard: "The water in your body is just visiting. It was a thunderstorm a week ago. It will be the ocean soon enough. Most of your cells come and go like morning dew. We are more weather pattern than stone monument. Sunlight on mist. Summer lightning. Your choices outweigh your substance."

*Any other tips?*