πŸ’° $ 6,473 - September '20 stats for Upvoty

For the first time, we had some real churn going on. At first, I was afraid that it might have something to do with our product.

Lesson learned: always talk to your customer. Even if they leave (or already left) you.

There was nothing wrong with our product, most of them just quite their businesses and no longer needed our user feedback tool. Makes sense.

And with doubling down on welcoming new customers, the churn didn't have that much impact on our MRR. We grew from $5,400 to $6,473. Which is basically a big milestone giving the fact we exceeded €5,000 MRR (euros!).


πŸ’° $ 6,473 MRR
πŸŽ‰ 217 paid clients
πŸ“‰ 6 churns
πŸ“ˆ 37,518 visitors

If you want to learn more about our journey, follow me on:


Or, take a look at upvoty.com πŸ™Œ

Woah, huge MRR though!


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