Day 511 - Flipping SaaS scripts -

Sheet2Bio is a SaaS project that’s special to my heart.

Because after so much trial and error learning about creating and launching products, I feel like 80% of most scripted playbook don’t work for me. Oftentimes flipping it and doing the opposite works out better for me!

Here’s the flipped scripts I learned for building and marketing a SaaS products, and how I’m applying everything here to Sheet2Bio:

Lofty ambitions vs No grand product vision
• No more “change the world” narrative, no grand ambition for building a great product that service millions
• I approached it by being opportunistic… like an idiot without a plan vs a genius with a plan

High expectations, big targets vs No expectations
• I used to set big idealistic targets (I set $1M annually before, then $5k monthly) and hyping up expectations in order to distort reality.
• Now I’m realistic, and use data, listen to users more

Focus on one thing vs Diversify across a portfolio
• Go all in on one thing, they say. Putting everything into an all-or-nothing bet is sexy and heroic.
• Now, I’m diversified across 10 projects, with a handful one giving the main revenue.

Dedicated effort and craft vs As little effort as possible
• The craftsman, builder mentality was a sacred pact for technically-inclined founders. Build it well, even to the extent of over-engineering or over-designing.
• No longer. I minimise as much engineering and design effort as I can. I write as little code as I can, even thought I enjoy it.
• No-design, HTML-only landing page now instead of sleek, smooth landing pages
SaaS usually meant automated processes and workflows, but I’m breaking this rule too. Everything is manual for Sheet2Bio now. No scalability, no
• One big, multi-month push in mostly stealth vs Incremental, just-in-time efforts building in public in mere weeks

Product Hunt launch to everyone vs Twitter to friends
• PH is the de facto place to launch anything tech these days. It’s huge, you get eyes on your product from people who you don’t know. But these days, I’m thinking smaller. Like launching to my friends on Twitter, and to their friends.
• It’s like a house party over a gala dinner - more fun, more cosy, more friendly.

I’m sure I’m flipping more SaaS scripts than what I just covered, but that’s enough for today. Got a launch to go for!