Day 575 - Eliminate one thing daily -

“Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is eliminate the task.
Downsize. The rooms you don’t have, don’t need to be cleaned.
Donate. The items you don’t own, don’t need to be organized.
Delete. The projects you don’t take on, don’t need to be finished.
Is this a problem that needs to be solved?
Or is it a problem that can be eliminated all together?” – James Clear

I’ve always tried to do too much.
I’ve always thought I can do everything.
I’ve always believed I can achieve what I aim for.
I’ve always felt the most productive checking off all my to-dos.

The solution was always:

DO more. Take on more. Push more.
Work harder. Work longer hours. Work weekends.
Increase capacity. Increase limits. Increase sacrifice.

They say, when you only have a hammer, every problem is a nail. And that’s so true with this.

My blindspot is always about saying no, declining work, rejecting opportunities, asking for less.

Elimination as a productivity strategy is alien to me… somehow.

How then does one get better at this?

Find one task on my to-do list, and delete it.
Find one idea on my list of product ideas, and delete it.
Find one item in my room that I’ve not used in 1 year, and discard it.
Find one account you follow who’s no longer adding value to your feed, and unfollow.
Find one inactive account who follows you, and block-unblock it to make it unfollow me.

Every day, just eliminate ONE thing. Something. Anything.

I think this is a good practice to try.