Day 634 - The long game is a mind game, not a time game -

I often say I'm in indie solopreneurship for the long game. That I'm committed to a decade of trying at this to succeed. And observing many other successful peers, they do seem take a decade to get to some place noteworthy.

But I recently realised it's not really about time spent. Playing the long game is just a mind trick to manage my expectations. It's all an inside job. Outside, in physical reality, time is relative. [Time isn't the problem. Effectiveness is.]( Playing the mental long game simply helps me to be more effective by lowering my expectations, by not being impatient and seeking suboptimal short cuts. The long game helps me perform better by being more objective, less swayed by emotional ups and downs of the entrepreneurship journey. It essentially helps me get out of my own way.

So the long game isn't about actually spending a decade on something.

It's simply about *being willing* to spend a decade. Whether you do end up spending a decade or just a few years has nothing to do with it. External time is inconsequential.

The long game is a mind game, not a time game.
Carl Poppa 🛸

I fully support playing the long game btw. Nothing good ever came out of shortcuts Lol

Carl Poppa 🛸

have you read Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell?

Jason Leow Author

Nope not yet! Is it similar to my post?

Carl Poppa 🛸

i haven't finished it, but in summary, it revolves around the "10,000 hours" theory. Anyone who's ever achieved anything, does not owe it to pure talent. There's a little bit of luck, but mostly they've put a lot of hours in to get to where they are.

Jason Leow Author

Oh I seeee. Oh yeah heard of that 10k hours concept. In that case, I'm totally saying the opposite thing in my post haha


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