Day 487 - How to be lucky -

Sharing my notes from the book How Luck Happens: Using the Science of Luck to Transform Work, Love, and Life, by Janice Kaplan and Barnaby Marsh, as a way to refresh and rethink how I want to approach my #30daysofluck challenge.

It’s an insightful book on why some people are more lucky than others, and what we can do in order to be luckier.

In other words, luck is part SKILL, something that I can practice, hone and get better at.

I love how luck is a blend of habit formation, antifragility and complexity/systems science. Foresee that I’ll be borrowing concepts from James Clear (Atomic Habits), Nassim Taleb (Antifragile)!

But in the first place, why luck?

I found myself thinking a lot about luck because it’s such a huge unsaid factor of success in stochastic environments like entrepreneurship and social media. I wanted to learn how to better leverage opportunities, chance and curiosity, as I had been doing for the past two months and planning to do so for May.

It also aligns to one of my identity-based goals is that of an Opportunistic Trickster... To be honest, I’ve always struggled to see how I can improve on that goal. it isn’t something that’s easy to measure as well. But (re-)discovering these notes on luck and how it links to being opportunistic and trickstering, was just the solution I needed! Now I have some tips on how I can approach that identity goal. So this month is a month of levelling up on that identity!