Tomas Woksepp

The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

Look at this beauty! Makes me want to register just to use the form 😍😍

New record in visitors, signups, and page views

Tomas Woksepp Author

I replied to a Reddit thread with a link to Venture Cost. That thing alone gave me 2136 unique visitors and 43 signups! πŸ”₯ This is 3x higher record than last!

Joel Bronkowski

Incredible. Hope it keeps growing!


Well it was nice knowing you guys...

Fajar Siddiq


Fabio Rosado

Sending holy water to your place just in case :p


Made some notes and todo-lists for my upcoming Hackathon this Friday. Pretty exciting stuff going on, will share all about it once it's up!

Added grouped events in the Admin Panel. Now I don't have to scroll through 200 lines of "Sergio added an expense to..."

Pray for me πŸ™πŸ‘Ί This might be a new record day of unique visitors. Breaking record after record 😎

Turning my Airbnb into a Hackathon for 3 days starting Friday 26th. It's in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Feel free to swing by 🀟

Pre-loaded all expenses on the Trip page using PHP, instead of Javascript. Two reasons: 1. SEO, expenses are now shown to Search engines. 2. The chart is a heavy JS-procedure, so it's split 50/50 between PHP & JS now

Fixed memory leak. The script ran for 3 weeks straight, so it's not terrible! πŸ‘Œ

Might have fixed the issue behind the missing input placeholders. Thanks @jamesmkenny!

James Kenny

Hopefully it works properly. If we're right though it should come right eventually might just need to time the purge to clear the older css out of their network.

Tomas Woksepp Author

Yeah, I'll just leave the request parameters for now to ensure it works for a while… Maybe in a month or two CF will have the cache cleaned out πŸ‘


Made it possible to ban users. This means their profile will not exist, comments are removed and they'll not show up on the users page and inside city pages

Prevented 403-errors from flooding the Admin Panel when less intelligent scrapers attack

Reached 200+ days πŸ˜ŽπŸΉπŸŒ΄πŸΎπŸŽ‰πŸ”₯

holy crap!


Re-worked the database to track emails sent from the server, with timestamps, total slots etc. This doesn't change much at all, in fact nothing on the users side, but it'd make me know if users open their emails in the future

Wrote an e-book (3 pages) about how to start a Keto diet. For sale, just $5! πŸ€‘πŸ’Έ