Venture Cost

Track your travel expenses and discover new places to visit. Create your own travel profile today, for free!

Grouped Admin Panel logs. Instead of reading through users adding 30 expenses in a row, they're now grouped so I don't have to scroll 2 miles

Upgrade Admin Panel to make it possible to Reject a trip. It's not as bad as it sounds, it just means the trip will just not be involved in the main calculations for that city (It will still show up everywhere as usual)

More progress with the Schengen Calculator, just a bit of FAQ and Disclaimer texts left now!

Working on a Schengen Visa Calculator. This exists already, but I think they all need some work. Mine is unique because it's responsive (yup...), simple UI and also automatically loads Schengen trips so you don't have to manually add everything. This will be the first tool out of many!

Converted abandoned trips to Untracked. That way they show up as complete, but won't affect any numbers

Fixed a bug where average monthly cost would not update if you remove the last expense

Made a script to convert slugs for cities that have the same name as the country, for example Singapore and Hong Kong. Worked instantly: (instead of singapore-singapore)😍🙏

Got rid of the big SVG pictures and replaced them with simpler icons. Much better

Tomas Woksepp Author

Yup 😍 Those old ones took some "time" to render. These ones are simple and doesn't even make requests. Striving for that 100/100!


Googles pagespeed love you for this!


Changed longer slogan to: "Your all-in-one trip planner with a heavy focus on sharing costs. Start your travel profile and join the community today for free!"

Added 6 cities, and also confirmed that my server properly renders webp-format 🎉👌

Uploaded the new version with WEBP-support. Desktop now have 100/100 on PageSpeed, but mobile is lacking a bit still. Check it out, it loads pretty quick:

Fajar Siddiq

I really love your work Tomas, hope to meet you one day

Tomas Woksepp Author

That would be awesome!! I want to go to Singapore by the end of the year, or possibly early next year. If you have your way through Europe you can find me here 👌


Added 5 cities & approved 4 trips. More and more people joining Venture Cost 😊 Such a good feeling!

Fajar Siddiq



yassss!! it's so great to see it grow… about time you get close to launch! ;)


Sorted users by if they're currently on a trip, or second (blue) if they have an upcoming trip

Added a panel to explain the 4 main functions of Venture Cost. I'll try to expand on this idea throughout the whole site to guide users. I've had a ton of users lately, but I can tell they're stuck on things

Created a Facebook-page for Venture Cost (linked) to check interest!

OMG MY BOT JUST POSTED THIS TRIP PICTURE WITH CAPTION ON Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr and Pinterest automatically. OMG OMG OMGO MG OMGOM