
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

make @wipbot accept forwarded messages so it’s easier to add feedback/requests received via Telegram

remove 1 month membership to test and see if it increases revenue per user

add email address input to sign up modal because otherwise users go missing (@marckohlbrugge said this would happen ok he’s right i admit it)

Fail miserably at trying to obtain a permanent tax id num for the association because the tax administration literally made the process so complicated highly educated ppl can't figure it out even after several hours reading documentation, forums and trying different things

tell Uptimerobot we get false alerts all the time now and we not happy about it 😡 https://twitter.com/levelsio/status/1056914490048933889?s=20

make iframe transparent and empty layout so it fits with the parent page of the companies
