
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

ask dad to glue wrist bracelet with industrial glue cuz it keeps falling off

add long_slug as data element in cityBox so we can preload image from there when placeholder loading modal city

preload 1 extra citybox because AD BOX isn't loaded for logged in users (for @neosilky)

fix @woutervanlent @shridhargupta bug where infinityLoad didn't run onFirstPageLoadGetItemsData first time

remove "did you leave $city yet and did you arrive in $newCity?" auto check in box that costs 85% of load time (for @neosilky)

put usernames to user_ids array generator in prepareCityData.php cache generator script to save load time in items.php (for @neosilky)

fix blinking image when placeholder modal with lo-res city img in header is replaced with city modal html with hi-res city image