
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

share speed statistics for https://twitter.com/levelsio/status/1102575990817976323

subscribe sponsor to Stripe plan instead of manually invoicing every time

do grocery shopping for Thursday's Nyepi day in Bali when everything is closed

research building my own RTMP norip type server for Twitch live streaming with @neosilky so that if connection dies it doesn't end the stream

make emails case insentive (for requesting magic link, etc) h/t @devjani

invite elon to partner up https://twitter.com/marckohlbrugge/status/1102263047945510912

get featured on the verge https://www.theverge.com/2019/3/3/18246851/expensive-chat-room-marc-kohlbrugge-charge-penny-per-characte

get featured in french media https://www.numerama.com/tech/468610-seriez-vous-prets-a-payer-08-centime-par-lettre-pour-utiliser-ce-tchat.html

Modify all event triggers to only fire when not on development environment

Add environment config and automatically get config depending on environment (prod-staging-dev)