The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".
Customer support: help Aidan with permissions
Customer support: help Jelle
put live NGINX status page on /open
add @meetchopra’s illustrations.design discount to WIP deals
do customer support over Twitter
figure out why marking todo as complete via graphql stopped working (but via @wipbot still works)
add Cloudflare rule to clear self requests from our own IP to the server
make mobile responsive htop /open
broadcast menubar todos to group chat
2019-03-08 13:45
improve press coverage design
raise exception if cannot save todo through graphql
put all system processes (like top) on /open
add load average and server uptime to /open
check if oauth app is credited
2019-03-08 11:44
save oauth application when creating todo
extract CreateTodo and MarkTodoAsDone objects
fix Mapbox sometimes returning People’s Republic of China instead of China, add hard fix and changed old trips set to PRC
go to for 6 months every 3 days consistently
start 30-day visa extension process Bali
Print 5 different versions of event keychain, finish them, paint them, show them to event organizing team, decide on a definitive version and decide first batch size and delivery date
make giant microwave egg for Bali house
play more Open Arena and Quake II lanparty