
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

fix problem where unauthenticated users didnt get redirected to Twitter properly

fix bundle sales were miscalculating due to mismatch in PHP and JS price calculation, re-do price calculation simpler: take price * bundle amount * bundle discount

fix images on /explore pages show on /explore but don’t show on the city collection page itself

auto refund all charges within 30 days if user cancels membership including sign up (30-day money back guarantee)

fix can’t unfollow user on profile because action=follow_user and DELETE method, changed to action=unfollow_user and POST everything instead of using PUT/DELETE bullshit

fix expand all people in same place on a trip doesn’t lazyload the avatars until scroll

make active filters box 100% device width so user sees they can scroll it horizontally

add BIMC Hospital http://bimcbali.com as best hospital for Bali cities

make downloadCityImages.php worker which downloads highest upvoted pics from Unsplash and Wikipedia and scales them to 1500, 100, 500px etc. and saves them locally