
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

replace mailchimp newsletter with custom sendgrid-based newsletter (it works!)

license biodegradeable plastic bag video to UNILAD https://twitter.com/levelsio/status/1105693326689198080

make side bar with neighborhood list for a city so you can click and immediately go to that neighborhood, if you hover it should draw a line around that neighborhood later

add “ “ apostrophes to CSV export so that comma values do not destroy the CSV format

add trip place autocomplete from Mapbox checks if it has a place on within 5km near, if so it replaces the trip location with that place to match up, if not it uses that place. Decrease that to 5km from 25 km before, so people can put more specific places in and since we are moving towards GPS coords based overlap matching not city name based (cc @neosilky)

fix infinity scroll loading job posts (100 items per infinity scroll)