The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".
Customer support: Chris and multiple computers
Customer support: help Martial with video speed
succesfully enroll into apple developer program
get on Reddit frontpage with dissolvable plastic bag https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/b18p2t/this_incredible_invention_looks_very_much_like/
decrease preload images to 4 so that HTTP2 first request is faster (200ms waiting now instead of 500ms)
make city pics .webp to see if it speeds up site
change health insurance to include Indonesia, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore
enable ads on mobile for non logged in user and fix sizing issue on small screen
enable users change plan again after fixing refund bugs on it
switch to mailchimp credit billing instead of recurring subscription
try out more designs with @AndreyAzimov
get frustrated designing logo (photo: @AndreyAzimov)
Design 10+ more prototypes
update personal twitter bio to use 🚧.to
rename custom_digest mailer to digest
add ahoy_email for tracking clicks and open rates
set up cron job for new digests
add plain text version to newsletter digest