
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

save last payment data to user database when charge.succeeded webhook is received

send Stripe delinquent alerts to Slack too and tell user to update their card

add 2 second delay for screenshotting card so js has time to resize text

get google manual action removed for including structured markup on expired listings

report back to WIP about trial results between 29 dec and 4 jan (week ago cause 7day trial): 53 trials, 13 canceled, 12 delinquent (unpaid), 28 active = 53% converted from trial to paid active

remove entire Twitter nav on mobile including Home, Explore, Inbox tab from mobile with 1Blocker custom rules

decouple authentication token for magic link and signup confirmation (requesting magic link, invalidates link in signup email)

extract collections carrousel into stimulus controller for better turbolinks support

get nominated for @ProductHunt Maker of the Year Book of the Year with and Made with PH API of the Year with