The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".
preload font files to speed up rendering
make Near Me Now filter work
enable user filtering by trip months in future
change end of file indicators for uptimerobot to because Cloudflare removes HTML comments
replace play icon with SVG play icon
clean up ✅ benefits section CTA sign up
enable 7-day trials to test what happens
find out why server was slower than laptop because PHP7.3 still installed on CLI and it's not stable yet (by @neosilky)
Customer support: Antonio's license key not working on new computer
use "font-display: fallback" so browser doesn't need to wait for fonts to load
optimize imgix image files (auto format, stripe color profile, and compress)
Finish recording and edit "what's in the lab" video
add state codes to US places on chart
add diving filter to (for @replay)
add homelesness data from all countries in world + state level homelessness data for US + city level homelessness data for US where available
add Palestine to 3d countries GeoJSON map
enable filtering from country page like /united-states to outside US like latin america or any other filter
add crime data from FBI.gov for US
make evidence that Linode is 10x slower than my own laptop which is a problem
import US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development live rent data
add filter buttons on people map on client
Design 3D part for suitcase handle + record video