The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

Added "Templates" view & started integrating it with the template editor on stream

Cleaned pending issues on nuxt-stripe-module

Since I needed some updates on that module for #socialsplash, I took the time to clear the pending issues it had.

Tested Rive for animations

Kinda cool but the animation interface is a bit laggy.

Make a proof of concept for an e-mail field with Mailgun email validation for work

Test out the Mailgun e-mail validation API.

Introduced a query parameter to generate thumbnails

Currently, the images in the website are generated on the fly with a 1200x628 size, but shown in less than 300x156. I've added temp. a parameter to scale down those images to use them as thumbnails. Smaller footprint on the page load.

Made some minor improvements on the rendering server

In some cases, the rendering server was taking too long to render due to remote font fetching. Now fonts are pre-fetched once & shared across server instances to avoid that trouble.

Create a product page for

This was a project I worked a while ago that I put on the side. Now that I need to track progress for #socialsplash, It needs a small update. Adding the product page to track it's progress here!

Made a small NuxtJS module for https://github.com/socialsplash/nuxt-socialsplash-module

The purpose of the module is to handle the OG meta tags for the user, based on the parameters he specifies for a specific theme.
In this first version, it only exposes a method to generate the image URL.

Deployment of the back-end API for in production

Now the themes are saved & fetched from our new NodeJS API with Prisma.io.
Everything is up and running.
William DA SILVA AVELAR Author

@sergio It's mainly two NodeJS apps for the API & the rendering, with a Postgres database & VueJS SPA for the theme editor and NuxtJS for the public website! Everything is deployed in a Kubernetes cluster


What's the stack?


Started adding image filters

Almost done with the image filters. The remaining things are:
- Finish the "add filter" dialog
- Integrate all the filters (currently there is only blur & contrast)

Added a NodeJS back-end with Prisma.io for

Previously the themes were stored in JSON files locally. Now they are stored in a Postgres database to be consumed by a NodeJS API using Prisma.io.
Now from the theme editor, I can save a theme right away in the database.

It was my first time using Prisma.io and it's quite nice!

Added text alignment & other property settings to

In the editor, you can now align the text properly through the parameters sidebar.