Serge Zaitsev

The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

Find most suitable music notation for

To submit a new song, there should be some kind of a UI. Possible options are:

- Horizontal piano roll (like in most DAWs)
- Vertical piano roll (like in trackers or Klavarskribo)
- Text notation, like ABC or MML, with optional visual preview
- WYSIWYG editor for actual sheet music notation

Wonder how I tell which one fits best, if I don't have users yet?

Send new release with instructions to the first paying customer

Serge Zaitsev Author

Oh, thanks, fixed that!

Wouter Dijkstra

Ps: Your website link in the project is broken. I believe it should be ".online" instead of ".onloin" 😎


Fix libc issues, build inside docker I guess

Building #onthesamepage on ubuntu 20.04 and deploying to 18.04 ends up with broken linkage

Change build system of has been up and running for a couple of years now, however it has been built in a hurry and now I got some time to clean it up a bit. Switching the frontend to esbuild now.

i've just tried it. it's awesome, really. so flexible and easy to use! bravo


Integrate with

Another little product I'm building is Lalatabs, I want to test how #Nullitics integrates with existing typical Go web services.

Benchmark to evaluate performance and find possible bottlenecks

#nullitics works surprisingly good with my blog, ~2K hits per day, and a few other websites. Need to simulate a much bigger traffic to see how much it can handle on a poor-man VPS.

Make an e2e test for a standalone open source version to minimize "testing-in-production" adventures

Maybe I'm putting too much effort into it, but it "feels" better when my CI checks that I haven't done any obviously stupid things to #nullitics with my midnight commits. I promise I wouldn't spend more than 2 hours on this.

Make html templates for flexible to reuse them in open-source and cloud version

Prettify referrers

* Prevent from referrer spam
* Trim referrer URLs to a reasonable length
* Group some common referrers together (google, twitter etc)

Integration tests for open-source

For the few example apps of open-source Nullitics version I need some proper integration tests to avoid breaking changes

Display world map, try to find the smallest possible svg map

Serge Zaitsev Author

Shocking that world maps tend to be over 1MB uncompressed SVG. Finally found one and optimized it down to 14KB. That's the acceptable traffic I want my customers to download.


Replace analytics in my blog and apply to 10KB club due to the much reduced page size

By replacing the GA with #nullitics I can win over 18KB and now my blog seems to be suitable to be part of the 10KB club

Create functional options for the Collector API

* Allow to configure the collector with various options
* Make salt configurable
* Make blacklist configurable
* Make directory/filenames configurable

Add Language/Country detection for Hits in Nullitics

Use GeoDB or use Accept-Language headers to tell where the user is from or what language he speaks. Would it be hard to make my own small GeoDB parser to keep the Nullitics with zero dependencies (and thus - easy to integrate, understand or use)?

Set up a repository for the open source Nullitics version

Nullitics is a minimal web analytics library/service. Create a repo, set up CI with all necessary checks, import existing WIP sources.