
A set of simple tools to organize and share your artwork.

turned the serverless api Terraform into a re-usable module. Might turn into a blogpost.

made some progress on serverless/lambda API with Serverless framework and Terraform

Did some work in getting a serverless API up and running with current LB

Got Fargate API working. I just missed a security group on my load balancer *facepalm*. That being said, it looks expensive so I'm probably going to go serverless anyway, lol.

Still banging my head against the wall trying to get my aws configuration working.

Still struggling with connecting to fargate tasks. Been messing around with security groups and ACLs. Haven't actually made any progress but I'm counting it.

Got container deploying to fargate in private subnet with vpc link

got ecs cluster and some other bits and pieces of the API infra into terraform

Updated number of vpc subnets and changed a line because of a terraform bug

Updated a terraform script that had a small type-o that resulted in a bug