
A set of simple tools to organize and share your artwork.

Fixed that bug I created when I fixed that other bug... Stale React Context closures are weird.

Fix bug where "incorrect username/password" error is still visible when changing to forgot password

Getting back into mocks after a while. The vision's shifted since I last mocked anything up, so it'll be good to get something accurate that I can mess around with.

Copy over my infrastructure for a staging site that I can experiment with.

delete all infrastructure and redeploy with terraform to make sure terraform functions

Import cognito config values via terraform backend data-source into codebuild terraform for environment variable generation during build stage.

Finished up private routing and fixed buggy flashes of auth/unauthed views when navigating directly by url

Set up routing in gatsby from static rendered landing page to dynamic app on log in/log out

Update modal to clear login/forgot password/signup state on close.

fix the weird pink background issue on mobile chrome and desktop safari