Finish 1st post draft
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Added a small paragraph as a page descriptor.
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I need somewhere to put my art supplies, right now they're all over my desk, makes it hard to work and concentrate on Paraffin stuff
Social media managing
Rest day
Social media managing
art stuff
Start Planning trip to Puerto Rico
Since the grant thing was a bust, I'll try and do one week's work over there and see how much I can create in that time. I have two main ideas for this, but I think I'll stick to the first one which is to document exhibitions.
Scrap the grant application
I've been wrapping my head around the whole thing. Primarily I wanted to use it to build the archive for Paraffin but if I do this, the archive must be made available online for free. I have nothing against that but I am trying to make money after all because there are costs. There isn't another thing I have thought of that could fit into the guidelines of the grant, they frown upon journalism and that's all Paraffin is. I'll look for something else but I am a little bit discouraged π
Scrap grant proposal and start a new one
art stuff
attend grant information seminar
I hope to apply for the grant, but I am just trying to see if this will be a good fit. There's a lot of tweaking to do from what I had previously thought to submit.
Social media managing
Read magazine for research on art
I had a magazine delivered, I just finiahed reading it and it's giving me some ideas for for not only content but to sell something physical as well
Linktree edits
Post upload
Watch Social Live streams
There's a guy in Puerto Rico doing random streams of Puerto Rican art which is great for me because I get to see the spaces and write down a few names of people I could connect with for more content