auth0 integration
configure Cloudflare and DNS records for web and email servers
Wrote "Sweden"
sign up to Mailchimp and add signup form to landing page
set up Porkbun email forwarding
design social cards
Wrote "Journey to Financial Independence"
build campfire setup
design logo
PWA - implement service worker and manifest.webmanifest
read workbox doc to prepare tomorrow's work
Wrote "Writer or Developer"
make a ~1.5m² raised garden bed from wooden pallets
landing page copy
Wrote "The Hogwarts Syndrome"
get back to 175 pound ass-to-grass squat
more playing with an ax
move out of the PoC and start a new git repo to build the MVP
blog - work on static generator
buy a new Canadian hatchet and have some fun making wooden stakes and a small outdoor bench
Also chopped wood using a splitting maul and that was a good workout