Göran B Svensson

I like to build things. 🙂 Keep going! 🇸🇪

Signing up as a builderall affiliate. https://office.builderall.com/us/franchise/share/843467

Recommending builderall to friends while trying to improve a static site for a client!

Best read ever. If you are going to read only one book in your life, read this one. Revolutionary! https://www.amazon.com/Peak-Secrets-New-Science-Expertise-ebook/dp/B019CH3M10

Researching hydroponic gardening DWC Kratky vertical indoor farming. Found out that I can get it profitable!

Looking at Miro for client collaboration and creating Use Cases. Looks a bit overwhelming..

Have a cue of 6 clients. Time to streamline. Asking my clients to create Use Cases first which always takes over 50% of the time to do a gig.

Set up flask, python, uswgi, nginx on AWS EC2 instance to run a music AI service REST API. Too large for AWS Lambda

Chatting with client, showcasing the app (not my uggly logos..)

beauty interface!! are you using a css lib ?