Göran B Svensson
I like to build things. 🙂 Keep going! 🇸🇪
Grinding coffee beans and brewing!
Popup ready for primetime
Improving design and speed.
Listening to Stonefield, Pendulum, Ghost, Pigs pigs pigs.
Brewing fresh new grounded coffee beans.
Lots of design improvements
Broke my 31 day streak for some unknown reason. Probably the Universe way of telling that it's not important.
Issue solved with tags in events.
Planing, reading email, social media and drinking Java.
Cleaning dust from MBP screen.
Grinding coffee beans and brewing!
Solve the problem with replacing 1000 with K.
Push the site to pre-production
Start a closed FB group for the beta test group.
Add a slider to manipulate the search radius.
Implement new typeface in a Hugo website for the new logo.
Change aspect ratio, auto crop, resize and pjp quality to 35% in user profile event list.
Change main flows image quality to 35% so the server farm don't use as much power as Västerås.
Bugfix hidden drop downs value not saved.
More brain dumping to documentation.
Change hamburger menu icon to app logo.
Better integrity settings for events
Add larger default search radius.