
Stop being a stranger to your data. Connect your database to Chartbrew and visualize your data in a few simple steps.

:recycle: separated the chart update function into multiple parts

:bug: fixed issue with realtime DB query not updating the limit UI properly

:bug: added a workaround for chart update intervals running twice

:sparkles: added number, currency, and date table column formatting

:construction: added the UI for changing column formatting and added date formatting capabilities

:construction: added backend support for formatting date fields

:lipstick: fixed paddings in the kpi segment and embedded charts' titles

:lipstick: changed the container component for most of the visualizations in embedding mode

:lipstick: changed the table totals to appear at the top in the Container level

:lipstick: made the auto-update save button the same size as the others

:children_crossing: added a loading indicator when refreshing a chart

:memo: added the DB port option in the docker commands - fixes

:zap: optimised loading dashboards removed unnecessary API calls when first loading a dashboard

:bug: fixed UI crash when editing a chart in a project with no connections