
Stop being a stranger to your data. Connect your database to Chartbrew and visualize your data in a few simple steps.

:construction: improved the date formatting for minutes and seconds intervals :bug: applied a quick fix to the date range

:construction: disable the includeZeros function for minute and second intervals

:alembic: adding experimental minutes & seconds time interval for charts

:construction: added the option to automatically update charts without authentication tokens on public dashboards or password protected dashboards

:sparkles: added API polling for charts to automatically update without refreshing the page

:rocket: enabled min-max datapoints decimation for all the charts

:sparkles: added the option to select a custom update schedule

:rocket: added extra checks for date formats to make sure they are not changed based on the UTC timezone

:bug: fixed the percentages for pie and doughnut charts when using numbers in a string format

:sparkles: now able to change the display name of filters and hide values from viewers

:lipstick: added the new condition button on a separate line to make it clearer and declutter the filter action buttons

:rocket: added chart loading state when using the public filters

:lipstick: increased the readability in the fields dropdowns across the app

:bug: fixed UI crash when entering the public dashboard password