Stop being a stranger to your data. Connect your database to Chartbrew and visualize your data in a few simple steps.
:arrow_up: updated dependencies
:rocket: added the option to create an empty project during the onboarding process
:lipstick: added dark mode support to toast messages
:lipstick: added calendar dark mode support
Pushed 9 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:rocket: changed the report chartbrew branding to be less confusing
Pushed 7 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:rocket: throttle auto-updates to avoid db timeouts with a high number of charts
:bug: fixed issue with the walktrhough not displaying the correct text color in dark mode
:construction: relaxed the email validation to allow more all types of emails
Pushed 1 change to chartbrew-cloud
Pushed 6 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:sparkles: added the option to re-arrange datasets in a chart
:rotating_light: removed unnecesary escape characters from the email regex
:pencil: updated the docker documentation with the update commad
:adhesive_bandage: updated email validation regex
:bug: fixed issue with the chartmogul template
Pushed 3 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:rocket: updated the averageByTotal behaviour to work with nested arrays
Pushed 3 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:construction: formatted the table total value to the locale string
:construction: added the table total feature to embedded charts too
Pushed 8 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:bug: fixed issues with the group by filter for table views