Drupal 8
Making a Drupal website to learn Drupal 8.
Alter view field with custom template.
Trying Zoom API module to fetch user meetings from Zoom.
Alter view and replace row with custom template.
Install voting reaction module and use it for (like) content functionality.
Create multistep form with custom route for each step.
Enable AJAX for my view to be used in LTI integration.
Create confirm form as a custom route.
Set custom access for user status field in edit mode.
Trying to make Drupal as LTI provider.
Create dynamic page to list available vocabularies.
Create custom CSV import form with a confirmation step.
Install Umami profile and review the translation.
Upgrade Drupal 8.9.20 to 9.3.0.
Load all defined routes that starting with /admin programmatically. With translated titles.
Create custom registration form to create user and related profile node with the needful data from integration services.
Reuse Drupal core node form with a different URLs and different access callback.
Re-use the route of menu items list with custom route and access.
Create a separate module for site manage functionalities.
Create helper to parse CSV file and validate the data depend on the first row values (header).
Restrict English switcher for admin only.
Create new custom form to process and import CSV files as taxonomy terms.
Define a param converter for content type with a custom condition.
Enhance my Lando file to include the whole process of first installation within one tooling command.
Install events log tracker and save SMS notification activities.
Enhance my custom form by defining state for every form element.