
Drupal 8

Making a Drupal website to learn Drupal 8.

Create default taxonomy terms content using default_content contrib module.

Create custom form that taking node parent relation from the route.

Hide view field if empty and add conditions to show parent values for some fields.

Allow user to export view as Excel sheet using Views Data Export contrib module.

Create custom route to add new taxonomy term using form mode contrib module.

Allow user to download node data as Word file using custom HTML template.

Alter form to and remove some textlist field options depend on user role.

Define new views bulk operation with custom fields as parameter for the operation.

Install CKEditor plugin to allow user to open link in a new window.

Add alert in system reports page if there are any changes in database site configuration.

Create custom form to read and import Excel sheet rows as nodes with custom calculation.

Create view with multiple displays for specific workflow states with custom permission for each display.

Making the default form display show nothing to avoid any access check issues.

Importing a default core language file on installation of my main module.

Alter view filter value depend on current user role and set value from user profile.