Drupal 8
Making a Drupal website to learn Drupal 8.
Create new queue to review and retry to send some nodes to an internal system.
Review user roles and merge some roles.
Allow override customized phrases from local translation files.
Configure Form modes to allow some roles to add user using specific form mode only.
Alter user edit form local task and override page title.
Alter field widget and change it for specific context.
Restrict user reset password page.
Prevent moving workflow state programmatically if it is not added as a transition.
Load entity reference field values programmatically and show specific list of nodes.
Disable field on node form depend on selected term.
Disable field on node form depend on selected term.
Create migration yml file to migrate some data.
Create registration form and apply flood service on it.
Expose workflow targeted states as an API by node id.
Delete all sub nodes on node_delete action.
Create content type as a sub content for another content type.
Integrate custom DB table with views to export data as excel.
Save file programmatically and set it as a permanent.
Setup new environment on DigitalOcean for Drupal.
Create content type to save invoice details.
Create dynamic structured array for paragraph field values.
Expose content type fields as per display settings.
Create API service to fetch structured data from multiple entities.
Create view with programmatically filter value depend on current user.
Configure Lando and add official Lando file to my git repo.