
This is a place for jobseekers to connect with companies within the green economy market and for companies to find talent who truly want to join their cause

- been trying to find a way to recover my BusinessPlan.docx; as the file has been CORRUPTED and I lost all work done today AND yesterday. -

- studying Pricing policies of the direct and non-direct competitors. -

- asked for opinion on the business idea in the FRIDAYS FOR FUTURE whatsapp group -

- Asked in Makerlog Talk for advise regarding how to interpret the numbers -

- Hit 200 likes on Facebook, 86 of them are friends. The yesterday's work is paying off somehow -

- Wrote, reviewed and posted an article in Reddit: "A job determines a person's role in society. Is your job helping or harming the environment?" https://www.reddit.com/r/environment/comments/ct1blr/a_job_determines_a_persons_role_in_society_is/ -

- Reviewed weekly plan. Highlighted 2 PRIORITIES for tomorrow. -

- Created, edited LinkedIn page and updated my profile to 'Founder at Emplogreen' -