Fantasy Congress
Fantasy sports league for U.S. politics. Draft members of congress for your team, earn points weekly from their actions, and become a champion by getting the most points during the season.
Display points for individual congress members for given dates [fc-platform-frontend]
Add points for designated time period to DRF congress member serializer [fc-congress-members]
Add current week to DRF league serializer [fc-platform]
Add total points to DRF team serializer [fc-platform]
Update displayed lineup with user clicks on a different week [fc-platform-frontend]
Highlight week user is currently viewing [fc-platform-frontend]
Calculate coming week so users can set lineup [fc-platform-frontend]
Create fetch for most recent weeks for weekly stats, paginate if necessary [fc-platform-frontend]
Add weekly stats section to team single page [fc-platform-frontend]
Create end point for team lineups by adding to urls [fc-platform]
Create serializer and viewset for team lineups [fc-platform]
Create cron to calculate team points earned every day [fc-platform]
Finish cron job to set weekly lineups [fc-platform]
Update legislator info, committees, and averages
Start on job that creates weekly team lineups [fc-platform]
Merged sprint branch to master and pushed to prod [fc-platform-frontend]
Clean up, ran linter for latest sprint [fc-platform-frontend]
Style congress members listed on single team page [fc-platform-frontend]
Separate returned congress member data by chamber, display accordingly [fc-platform-frontend]
Get congress member data for each team when viewing single team [fc-platform-frontend]