Fantasy Congress

Fantasy sports league for U.S. politics. Draft members of congress for your team, earn points weekly from their actions, and become a champion by getting the most points during the season.

Add join and decline buttons to pending invites list [fc-platform-frontend]

Create endpoint to list only users leagues awaiting invitation response [fc-platform]

Create pending invitations section on leagues list page [fc-platform-frontend]

Trouble shoot teams viewset (all operations working now!) [fc-platform]

Add PATCH and DELETE calls to team settings page [fc-platform-frontend]

Add checks to get_queryset and get_obj of teams viewset so you can only see data pertaining to a league you are in [fc-platform]

Update dynamic names in breadcrumb for team pages [fc-platform-frontend]

Add congress and details section to single team page [fc-platform-frontend]

Create template for individual team page, add to router [fc-platform-frontend]

Add form to select teams and call to server to preform delete action [fc-platform-frontend]

Fix issue with users being able to create multiple teams in a league [fc-platform]

Add pre-draft data to leagues on leagues list page [fc-platform-frontend]

Add alerts and routing when a new team is created [fc-platform-frontend]

Display teams on single league page with pre-draft data [fc-platform-frontend]

Compute and list league details on single league page (current week, draft date still remaining) [fc-platform-frontend]