Fantasy Congress
Fantasy sports league for U.S. politics. Draft members of congress for your team, earn points weekly from their actions, and become a champion by getting the most points during the season.
Add custom filters to congress members app for drafting and displaying teams [fc-cong-members]
Ensure teams autodraft correct number of Senators and Representatives [fc-platform]
Yesterday: build basic autodraft (4 hrs, forgot to log it :/ )
Deployed latest sprint to production! (on a Friday 😱) [fc-platform-frontend]
Run linter, fix errors [fc-platform-frontend]
Update templates to handle the data changes from updates to fc-platform [fc-platform-frontend]
Add some new permission classes, clean up [fc-platform]
Limit nested data returned by serializers by user permissions [fc-platform]
Attempt to return different data in serializers if user is the league commissioner [fc-platform]
Read lots of Django Rest Framework documentation to figure out how to customize serializers [fc-platform]
Create helpers file, add func to handle inviting new players to league [fc-platform]
Complete permissions classes, add to viewsets [fc-platform]
Clean up TODOs and console.logs [fc-platform-frontend]
Limit length of season input to weeks remaining in the year [fc-platform-frontend]
Add pagination to congress member actions [fc-platform-frontend]
Create custom permission classes for determining if user is in league or if the user is a commissioner [fc-platform]
Check and correct responsiveness of create/edit templates for Leagues and Teams for mobile [fc-platform-frontend]
Audit and refactor templates/css for best practices [fc-platform-frontend]
Mobile styling for league list, single, and team single pages [fc-platform-frontend]
Restructure containers for responsiveness[fc-platform-frontend]
Update container titles for mobile [fc-platform-frontend]